
硬膜外麻醉是另一种类型的疼痛管理选项为您在劳动。卫生保健提供者是谁受过专门训练的麻醉了硬膜外。你的硬膜外可能由经过认证的注册护士麻醉师,称为CRNA或医生叫麻醉师。在硬膜外麻醉,局部麻醉或其他药物放置在周围的空间脊髓硬膜外腔。这药很少进入血液。在大多数情况下,婴儿不应该睡硬膜外或有任何影响。静脉注射药物或硬膜外前,您将需要一个四世开始。静脉输液前给出一个硬膜外块,以确保你是水分。当你给出了一个硬膜外坐在或躺在你身边。你需要把你的退出对麻醉供应商谁将站在你身后。 Think of making your back round, like a letter C or arching your back like a cat. It may help to round your chin toward your chest. The nurse will help you into the right position. You need to remain still, in this position, even when you have a contraction. Practice slow, even breathing throughout the contraction while relaxing most of your body. Your nurse will support you.

00:08:13 | 10/29/2019